3D Printing Frequently Asked Questions
3D Printing – General
What is 3D Printing?
3D Printing encompasses a number of additive manufacturing technologies including FDM (Fuse Deposit Modeling), 3DP (Powder-Based Printing), SLS (Selective Laser Sintering), and SLA/DLP (Stereolithography). Although there are many types of 3d printers and multiple methods of additive manufacturing, each process starts with a digital file. For our purposes we will be focusing on FDM 3D printers, which create, or “grow” a 3D model by the extrusion of melted plastic in a layer-by-layer fashion.
How does it work?
Plastic 3D filament is fed into a heated print head (or “hotend”) that melts the plastic and extrudes it in a thin thread, “drawing” the object much like a plotter, but in three dimensions. A special program called slicing software breaks the 3D model into many thin slices and then creates a toolpath for the printer to render each slice. Once the first slice is complete, the printer moves up to the next layer and draws that, continuing in a slow process until all slices are drawn and a 3D object is created.
How long does it take?
3D printing is a slow process, which can take anywhere from an hour for a small part to multiple hours or even days to render a large file. The time will depend not only on the size of the object but also the resolution and print speed. Slower speeds generally produce more accurate details.
Where do the 3D digital files come from?
Virtual 3D objects can be created in CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling software such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks, 123D, Maya, Inventor, Rhino, and CorelCAD. Some free CAD programs include Google
Sketchup, Autodesk
Fusion 360, and
Blender. The CAD files need to be converted to STL format to submit them for 3D printing. If you prefer ready-made 3D printable files, you can download them for free from sites like Makerbot’s
Cubehero, and
Google’s 3D Warehouse.
If you need a model custom designed for you, we would be glad to help. Please visit our
Hire a Designer page to contact us about your project and hire a designer to create a 3D Printer ready file that we can either print for you on our equipment or you can take the file to have it rendered anywhere you like.
3D Printing Chicago Services
Can you print anything?
Almost anything can be 3D printed, but there are size limits and limitations inherent to the 3D printing process: Our largest print bed is 18 x 18 inches. Objects that have overhangs of more than a 60 degree angle will require supports to print. These supports can be removed but may leave surface roughness. STL files must be error-free and “water-tight” in order to render them in a 3D printing slicer. This means that the model must be free of errors such as holes, deformations, and self-intersections.
To check an STL file for errors, open it in a 3D modeling or slicing software such as MeshLab, Blender, Netfabb, Prusa Slicer, Bambu Slicer, or Cura and look for issues like: non-manifold edges (where more than two faces share an edge), intersecting triangles, open boundaries (holes), overly small details, extreme variations in triangle size, and self-intersecting geometry; most software will have built-in tools to identify and potentially repair these errors. If you are new to all this, just send us the file and we will check it for errors.
Designs must also conform to
the Terms and Conditions of using our services
What 3D printer will you use print my job?
The printers we use include: the latest Prusa, Bambu Labs, Raise3D, and QIDI 3D printers, as well as the large format industrial printer AON-M. We also have 2 resin (DLP) printers. The printer we choose to print your job on will depend on the size, design, material, and availability of our printers.
What is the maximum size object that you can render?
The AON-M has a massive build area of 460mm(w) x 460mm(l) x 640mm(h) (18in x 18in x 24in).
What is the cost?
The cost will be determined primarily on the size (volume) of the print job and the material chosen. Please visit our
Instant Quote page to get a quote on printing your 3D part and submit an order.
What is the turnaround time?
Turnaround time will vary depending on the size of the job, the resolution, the number of jobs ahead of you, and other factors, but in general we can render most small jobs in 1-2 days and ship your part to you in another 3-5 days or faster if you choose Priority or Express shipping.
How do I upload a file?
Please go to our
Instant Quote page to get a quote for your job and upload the file at the end of the process.
What types of files do you accept?
We highly prefer STL files. We will also accept OBJ, STEP, AutoCAD DWG, DWF, DXF, SolidWorks and other common 3D files.
How do I create an STL file from my CAD software?
Most CAD software will have either a Save As… or Export… function that will allow you to save your project in STL format. In AutoCAD, Set FACETRES as a value to 10 (1 is for low resolution, and 10 is for high) before outputting the STL. In Solidworks, click on the Options button before exporting to control the resolution (higher is better).
Why does my STL or print come out with faceted cylinders and spheres rather than perfectly round circles?
It is necessary to output your STL in high resolution in order for circles to come out perfectly round. If your CAD software does not have a high resolution option for outputting SLT files, you may have to convert it to a program that does such as AutoCAD or Solidworks. See previous question for details.
Who are you?
I am a member of the Chicago maker community, which includes a group of 3D printer enthusiasts who wish to help you to design and render your three dimensional ideas and turn them into a reality.
3D Printing Chicago is not a high-end design firm but rather a friendly resource to get your project completed at a reasonable cost. For more information, please see our
About Us page.
I don’t have 3D design skills. Can you make the CAD drawing for me?
Yes, we have a number of CAD designers ready to turn your idea into a 3D object file. Our hourly rates are below the industry standard, and you can either choose to have us print your 3D prototype or we can give you the file to have it printed anywhere you like. Please use go to the
Hire a Designer page to submit your project for a quote.